Jaká bublina stoupající výš?

Žádná bublina, je to gigazlodějna amerických bankéřů a manažerů, která je natolik rozsáhlá, že postupně zasáhla celý svět, protože zbytek světa včas nerozpoznal, že i on má to americké letadlo spolufinancovat! spolufinancovat!
Pokud problém správně nepojmenujeme a neodměníme strůjce, pak nemáme šanci jej vyřešit.

1. In general, the culture of Linux is not well aligned with western industry/capitalism. Not that this is, by definition a bad thing... I just don't think that the Linux culture would accept iTunes for what it is, a capitalistic venture - a business. Comments above reinforce this concern. Performers make music as their craft, for which they like to be compensated... the presence of middlemen in the payment process is annoying (record labels and Apple for the sake of this discussion), but required to "protect and grow the interests of the artist" (like a union, but sneakier) and to "provide a means for distribution to the public audience." If someone didn't pay you for work that you do, you certainly couldn't afford to contribute to more altruistic ventures (free coding in open source projects). projects).

2. Per commments above, the windowing models within Linux are not (presently) mature (read homogenous) enough to venture into. Yes Apple could release source, but this is not particularly compatible with the need to protect the DRM (which brings us back to 1, above).

3. Linux folks are more than capable of developing (and have developed) their own decent music players that work with music ecosystems that suit their philosophy.

Mind you, it would be incredibly cool for Apple to release iTunes for Linux...