These are my opinions. Warren Buffett has been too long in the market. He should have retired long ago. Berkshire Hathaway's model of taking struggling companies and refinancing them does not 'turn them around'. It ends up inflating the stock and bond prices of the company without providing any real worth. For the most part the companies continue to stagnate or decline in real worth while their paper value was kited along with the raft of other Berkshire Hathaway holdings. Investors following Buffett don't complain because they are after paper profits - these short-term money grubbers couldn't care less if the companies that are paying dividends are actually manufacturing anything of worth. As result many of the companies that Berkshire Hathaway is bankrolling sit as rotten cores in their respective industries - the real problem this has caused is the low-balling Communist Chinese activities and foreign interests take advantage of these situations. Not only do they also invest in these paper monsters that Buffett has created they enter the industry so financed and easily, succesfully compete and drive other American competitors out of business. Berkshire-Hathaway is a junk yard. Warren Buffett's business model is that of a garbage picker.